Customized Snubber Test Bench

Explore Pune Instrumentation Pvt Ltd’s Customized Snubber Test Bench (STB) to support plant maintenance and in-service inspection (ISI) programs for all types and sizes of mechanical and hydraulic snubbers.

Snubber is used to prevent shock & vibration forces that can cause damage in equipment. PIPL has developed a customized test bench to test the endurance of mechanical and hydraulic snubbers, specifically meeting the client’s requirement.

Application: Our equipment is used to verify snubber conditions at the point of manufacture, or during an outage at the plant site. This test bed is capable of generating high velocity/acceleration to simulate earthquake-like situations. An industrial Computer is used to control the test activity and acquire the reading to plot a relative graph.

End-user Industries: Snubber Manufacturers, Auto, Oil & Gas, Heavy Engineering, Chemical & Polymer, Power etc.

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